During the Peacetime Emergency issued by Governor Tim Walz in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic,
Advanced Dermatology Care will have the following business/phone hours:
White Bear Lake: Monday – Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
Stillwater: CLOSED
Forest Lake: CLOSED
We ask that you do NOT stop by the clinic, unless you have been instructed by a staff member. Patients
are encouraged to communicate with us through their Patient Portal for the quickest response. You can
also call us, but patients may not get an immediate response, as we have limited our in-clinic staff to
minimize exposure risk.
If you are in need of dermatological care, or had an in-clinic appointment with us canceled due to this
pandemic, there is no need to wait for treatment!
Request an E-Visit through your Patient Portal, and
receive your appointment from the comfort of your home! Learn more here!
If you are in need of a product or prescription that you normally obtain at our office, please follow the
instructions here to request a refill, and schedule curbside pickup.
ADC will be limiting in-office visits to the essential skin cancer removal surgeries, and provider-approved
urgent appointments that cannot be handled via E-Visits. If you currently have a surgery or urgent visit
scheduled, you should still come in, unless otherwise notified by a member of our staff. For everyone’s
safety, we are asking that only the actual patient come in for their surgery appointment. For patients
under the age of 18, we ask that only one parent attend the appointment, and all other family remain
home. Patients with scheduled surgeries/appointments will be greeted by a staff member at the door,
and escorted to check-in.
If you are scheduled for a surgery or appointment, and are experiencing any symptoms of illness, or
have been to any location that may have increased your risk of exposure (airport, concerts, or anywhere
with groups larger than 10 people), then please dial 651-484-2724 and select option 1 to speak with a
Medical Staff Member on our Triage line for information on rescheduling your surgery.
Thank you!
Advanced Dermatology Care